Thursday, December 24, 2009

6H's reunion

Haha, yesterday was 6H's reunion, hehe, we had lots of fun. Very happy that teacher can attend the gathering!!!! Haha, although teacher just showed out for about half & hour only, but this really enough for us. Teacher Tan Seow Hong is the best teacher in this world!!!! No teacher can compare to her at all!!! Lol, i want to say thank you so much to teacher tan who bought the nice shirt & vest for me, i love it so much & appreciate so much. Thank you teacher tan & love u so much!!!! Lol, hopefully teacher will love the medal that i bought for u. And thanks to all my nice primary frens & heng dais. Haha, teacher hope u enjoy ur holidays ya. Love u so much!!!!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Awesome Prom (last Moment of high School Life)

Well, yesterday was SMK BUD(4) prom night!!!! I had lots of fun with all my frens. Lol, this was my first time wearing 3 inches of high heel walking here and there and also sit for 3 hours to set my hair & make up. Wow, everyone was gorgeous & handsome. Its was really a awesome night, and this also the last event of my high school life. And now is my time to forget him. Lastly, i love his hug and his hug was so warm. I won't forget 21/12/2009 this day!!!! Bye to all my high school frens, and wish u all will have a good & bright future!!! Yesterday was a GOOD GOOD NIGHT!!!!!! Love u guys!!!!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

BYE!!!! SPM!!!!

Haha,left one more day then i will be freedom, i can fly!!!! Haha.I can do freaking lots of thing that i wanted to do for so so so so long!!!!! I can watch all the hong kong dramas, shopping, hang out with fren and..... Haha:) I cant wait for the 23th of december!!!!! 6H's gathering!!!! MIss them so much!!!! One thing that make me upset is that i will miss my secondary frens!!! Anyway, they will be a new life for me after SPM!!!!! Cant wait any more!!! BYE to all my revision books text books!!!! WAhahahahahaha!!!! College, i am coming!!!! Haha!!!!!